Everyone s an Expert
Bored with the usual encyclopedias?
Then start writing your own
Putting information into the hands of the people was among the original, lofty aims of the Internet easy to forget amid the forests of e-boutiques and subscription-only sites. But an online encyclopedia where all entries are written, maintained and vetted by Web surfers themselves is trying to recapture those early democratic ideals. Called Wikipedia.org (wiki means superfast in Hawaiian and is also the name of the collaborative software upon which the site is built), the encyclopedia features more than 700,000 hypertexted articles on everything from Anthrax (band) to Zeppelin. That s more listings than Britannica.com, Encarta.com and Encyclopedia.com combined.
My dream has been to put a free comprehensive encyclopedia at everybody´s fingertips, says 37-year-old founder Jimmy Wales, who spends up to 12 unpaid hours a day maintaining the site. It s my obsession. It has also become the obsession of thousands of others who contribute entries and programming time for free. The concept is as simple as it is ambitious: anybody can create or edit the articles, and the system relies on masses of users to catch mistakes and thus ensure the information is correct, comprehensive and up-to-date.
(TIME, June 24, 2004)
Questão 16Segundo o texto,
a) Wiki é o nome de um dos criadores e colaboradores do site.
b) o controle de qualidade das enciclopédias virtuais é feito pelas provedoras.
c) a enciclopédia Wikipedia.org está equiparada às enciclopédias Britannia.com e Encarta.com .
d) Jimmy Wales publicou um artigo interessante sobre o pó químico Anthrax .
e) o sonho de Jimmy Wales era lançar uma enciclopédia gratuita e abrangente ao alcance de todos.
Questão 17
De acordo com o texto, Jimmy Wales gasta diariamente, com a manutenção do site,
a) até 12 horas bem remuneradas.
b) mais de 12 horas bem remuneradas.
c) mais de 12 horas mal remuneradas.
d) até 12 horas não remuneradas.
e) mais de 12 horas não remuneradas.
Questão 18
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta três preposições empregadas no texto.
a) from -- to-- which.
b) at -- also-- for.
c) among -- amid-- upon.
d) up -- and-- for.
e) into -- an-- also.
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